Deb Thain

SEND Advocate

I am a passionate SEND Advocate who has many years of lived experience, alongside having supported many families and young people on their journey through the education system.

Having seen first-hand how difficult it is to navigate the SEND system I am on a mission to ensure that support is available to as many people as possible.

I started on my journey as parent of neurodivergent children and over ten years ago very quickly realised that the system isn’t build for those who don’t fit in the perfect box. The ensuing battles to support my own family taught me that we are not alone and that brought me to supporting other families and young people.

My eye for detail and ability to remember the little things which support a position have served me very well in many cases.

I champion those who need it with a firm but fair nature and a determination to see cases through to the end.

It might not be an easy road to travel but I guarantee you that with Inclusive SEND Advocacy by your side you will never be alone.

Whether you need a chat to point you in the right direction or someone to hold your hand through the entire SEND journey then I am here for you.