
Support Call


A 45 minute call to provide guidance and support, a chance to ‘see where you are’.

One-to-one discussion for me to understand and provide recommendations regarding your current position and look at different options. You will also receive the recommendations, following the support call, via email.
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Parental Request for an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment Letter


The first port of call for many is requesting this initial assessment.

f you need to submit a Parental Request for an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment to your local authority and require help to write the letter; then look no further.
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EHCP Check Service


+ £30 per report

If your child/young person's Education, Health and Care Plan needs to be checked to ensure that their special educational needs are listed in Section B (needs) and that the special educational provisions are listed in Section F (provisions), then this is the service for you.
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Report Service Check


You may be using an independent report and are not sure if the professional's recommendations are specific and quantified. I can check the recommendations and make suggestions if I notice any woolley parts. You can then send this Report Check to your professional for them to consider.
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This service is for independent professional reports only.

Working Document Service


+ £40 per report

This service is for parents and carers who have registered an appeal with the First-tier Tribunal (Special Education Needs and Disability). The working document is a legal document that is a part of the SEND tribunal appeals process for several appeals, and there are set rules for those who work on them.
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Meeting and Mediation Attendance Service


Whether it’s a meeting with school or the Local Authority, an annual review or a co-production meeting I can be there with you.

Whatever the reason for or purpose of the meeting I can attend with you and provide whatever level of support you need.
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Tribunal Case Management

£30 / hour

If you need to register an Appeal but need someone to manage the whole process for you then this is for you.

If register an appeal with the First-tier Tribunal (Special Education Needs and Disability) but do not have the time or the capacity to represent yourself throughout your appeal then I can do this for you.
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Grounds of Appeal Service

(Fee list below)

If you have to register an appeal with the First-tier Tribunal (Special Education Needs and Disability), don't worry! You are not alone in this process.

I am here to support you.

By purchasing the grounds of appeal service you need, I will be able to write your grounds of appeal and tribunal form for you, taking the stress away from you.

All that is expected of you is that you send me all of the supporting evidence to allow me to write your grounds of appeal to ensure it reflects why you have had to register an appeal. You will also need to secure the mediation certificate. You will not be allowed to submit an appeal to the First-tier Tribunal (Special Education Needs and Disability) without a mediation certificate.

Once I have completed your grounds of appeal and tribunal form, I will send you the documents in the draft format to review.

Once you are happy, you will be able to register your appeal with the First-tier Tribunal (Special Education Needs and Disability) with your supporting documentation that I will send you along with your finalised grounds of appeal and tribunal form.

You can then take a deep breath and wait for the SEND tribunal to be in touch, who will confirm your appeal has been registered and share your registration letter for your appeal with the deadlines you and the other party must adhere to.

Remember: There is a high success rate for parents and carers who register an appeal with the SEND tribunal. You've Got This!

Grounds of Appeal Fees are:

Refusal to carry out Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA)

Refusal to Carry Out a Re-Assessment of Education, Health and Care Needs

Refusal to Issue an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

Contents Appeal Against Sections B (needs) and F (provisions) of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

Contents Appeal Against Sections B (needs), Section F (provisions) and Section I (placement)

Cease to Maintain an Education, Health and Care Plan