EHCP Check Service


+ £30 per report

A review of the EHCP, needs and provisions, specifically at the draft stage.

This is the service for you if your child/young person's Education, Health and Care Plan needs to be checked to ensure that their special educational needs are all shown in Section B (needs) and that the special educational provisions are listed in Section F (provisions).

I will ensure that woolly words and phrases are highlighted and that needs and provisions are properly included from all professional reports.

This service is ideal for parents and carers in the draft stage of an Education, Health and Care Plan from an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment, an Annual Review, or a Re-Assessment of the Education, Health and Care Needs.

The review is anonymised so that you can decide for yourself whether you want the Local Authority to know that you have sought professional assistance.

Amendments suggested in the EHCP Check are always clearly annotated so that it is easy for you to understand and read.