Meeting and Mediation Attendance Service


Whether it’s a meeting with school or the Local Authority, an annual review or a co-production meeting I can be there with you.

Whatever the reason for or purpose of the meeting I can attend with you and provide whatever level of support you need. If you want me there purely for emotional support then I can do that, I can also speak up and advocate for you and your child, depending on what you want. We will agree in advance what level of input you want from me in any given meeting.

I can also attend the below mediation meetings:

  • Refusal to Carry Out an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA)
  • Refusal to Carry Out a Re-Assessment of Education, Health and Care Needs
  • Refusal to Issue an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
  • Contents Appeal Against Sections B (needs) and F (provisions) of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
  • Contents Appeal Against Sections B (needs), Section F (provisions) and Section I (placement)
  • Cease to Maintain an Education, Health and Care Plan

The fee for attending meetings and mediations includes:

  • 3-hour preparation of the documentation
  • 1-hour preparation call with you
  • 2-hour attendance at the meeting