Tribunal Case Management

£30 /hour

If you need to register an Appeal but need someone to manage the whole process for you then this is for you.

If register an appeal with the First-tier Tribunal (Special Education Needs and Disability) but do not have the time or the capacity to represent yourself throughout your appeal then I can do this for you.

I offer a tribunal case management Service and will represent your case on your behalf in the tribunal case management service until two weeks before the tribunal hearing.

I do not however represent at the actual tribunal hearing. You can represent yourself if you wish, or I can help to arrange legal representation for you for the hearing date.

The tribunal management service is where I will, on your behalf:

  • Write the Grounds of Appeal and tribunal form
  • Register the appeal with the First-tier Tribunal (Special Education Needs and Disability)
  • Liaise with the local authority
  • Liaise with the First-tier Tribunal (Special Education Needs and Disability)
  • Write your working document version 2 (the LA has to provide version 1)
  • Work on all working documents after version 2
  • Liaise with the local authority with all working documents after version 2
  • Gather supporting evidence on your behalf
  • Book independent professional assessments if required
  • Help you find a suitable setting if you do not have one
  • Build your Education Other Than at School (EOTAS) package if that is what is needed
  • Confirm your witnesses to First-tier Tribunal (Special Education Needs and Disability)
  • Write the Case Statement
  • Write any Position Statements where necessary
  • And much more

This service is individualised based on every case; some appeals are straightforward, whereas others are not. It is therefore not possible for me to offer a fixed fee for the tribunal case management.

The main larger invoices are when I need to write the grounds of appeal and tribunal appeal form, the working document version 2, and the case statement.

The invoices for this service are based on a £30 per hour fee, broken down into 15-minute intervals and invoiced to you weekly. Where no work is done in any given week then you will not be invoiced as there is no retainer fee.